School Innovation & Improvement Plan

An at-a-glance look at outcome goals for this academic school year.

School Innovation and Improvement Plan

  • 2024-25
  • Fairfax County Adult HS
  • Dr. Michelle Morgan, Principal

College Career Civic Readiness

Outcome: FCAHS will improve the the student survey completion rates for 2024-2025 by 5% to reach a goal of 75% completion.

  • Strategy 1: Designate and optimize a CCCRI team (can be combined with the graduation team) focused on analyzing, tracking, and monitoring student data relating to students' successful progress and completion of CCCRI and graduation requirements with high frequency.
  • Strategy 2: Review and assign credential exams as appropriate to students in CTE courses.
  • Strategy 3: Increase the collective responsibility of ALL staff in supporting school-wide On-Time Graduation and Academic and Career Planning efforts to include CCCRI (i.e. PD around mindset, cultivating belonging, positive interactions with students).

School Choice 1

Outcome: We will continue to work toward our 55% pass rate goal in Biology and Reading and meet or exceed last year’s pass rates in all other courses.

  • Strategy 1: Increase the rigor of summative assessments across courses to reflect grade level demands established by the FCPS and aligned to the VDOE standards. Ensure common rubrics communicate achievement expectations and goals for rigor.   
  • Strategy 2: CTs implement the CT cycle to examine student assessment work and plan interventions.
  • Strategy 3: Systematize and align SOL prep and remediation practices across subjects and programs.

School Choice 2

Outcome: In SY2024-25, 55% of EL students will meet VDOE growth targets in speaking as measured in WIDA scores in this domain across all levels.

  • Strategy 1: Empower students to monitor their progress. 
  • Strategy 2: Build impactful co-teacher instruction.

School Choice 3

Outcome: By the end of the 2024-25 school year, 100% of students will be able to reflect on how they grew their POG skills and why it matters with an average score of at least “Proficient” on Criteria 1 & 3 of the POG POL rubric.

  • Strategy 1: Incorporate POG in classrooms through visuals and integrate language with course content and instruction.
  • Strategy 2: Expand opportunities for students to practice on POG skills in learning processes.
  • Strategy 3: Expand opportunities for students to reflect on and discuss evidence of growth of POG skills and receive explicit feedback.