Diploma Pathway

What is the Fairfax County Adult High School Diploma Program?

  • The diploma program is a program for students aged 18-21 (ELL and English Fluent Speakers) and aged 22 + requiring eight credits or less.  
  • Students enrolled in the diploma program earn a Virginia approved diploma (Adult, Standard, and Advanced Studies). Adult diploma requirements are based on a student’s ninth grade entry date. 
  • The diploma program offers the high school credit courses required for completion.

Program Requirements

  • Learners must be 18 or older. 
  • Learners must attend a registration appointment and meet FCPS registration requirements.
  • Learners must be a resident of Fairfax County.
  • Non-school aged learners must pay tuition of $80.00 per semester (day students) or $160.00 per year (evening students).

Program Schedule & Locations

Evening classes are offered on a yearlong schedule, Monday/Wednesday and/or Tuesday/Thursday, two classes nightly, at the locations below:

How do I sign up?

Interested learners can sign up for a registration appointment by contacting @email or calling 703-658-2736.